Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We hope you had a great 2008. We did. We had great things happen to us, with Addison coming into our family and buying our townhouse. We have been very blessed. Addison is such a joy, and brings us so much joy. She is getting so big. She is wanting to do lots and gets into everything.
She is the best and the love of our life.
We hope 2009 is a great year for all of you.
Grandma Robin and Addison.
We love grandma Robin soooo much.
Addison loves to be with her.
Addison with her cousin Bella on Christmas Day.
Addison opening some of her presents.
Doesn't she look so cute.

Addison got Elmo.

She got some books, which she loves to look at.

Christmas Eve at my parents house.
We always play a game. My grandpa made some peg boards and we have a golf tee. Someone rolls 2 dice and if your number was called then you can put the tee into the hole, once you reach the top you get to get a gift.
It is soooo much fun.

Trevor and Addison in her Christmas PJ's.

Mommy and Addison Christmas Eve.

This is Addison's friend Tag, he was born a week after I was.
Cute Christmas Kids. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Daddy and Addison. Isn't she so cute, she was bundled up pretty good.

Mommy and Addison going to go and see the lights in Ogden.

Lights, Lights, and more Lights...

Here is Addison at her first light, outing. We went to the Ogden lights and walked around. Addison stayed like that the whole time she didn't even try to move her arms out of the blankets.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Trevor and I went with his family to see the "Forgotten Carols". What a great way to start out this Christmas season. It was really good.
We decorated our tree and our home for christmas, it is so fun with Addison, she likes to look at all the decorations and see the bright lights. We also put up lights outside our home, yea it is exciting! We have been singing Christmas songs to Addison and the only song she really seems to enjoy or pay any attention to is "Once there was a Snow Man" She smiles and laughs.

Trevor decorating our Christmas Tree, he did such a great job.

Addison is our little santa helper!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Addison's first Thanksgiving.
We are very blessed to have her in our lives,
she is our joy and our love,
she makes us smile and laugh.
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving,
and you all ate, ate, and ate. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Addison is sitting on her car shifting the gears.

Addison crawling up the stairs for the first time. Good job Addison! Daddy and mommy are so proud of you. She was 8 months.

Our Newest Addition!!

This is our newest little addition! Our nephew and Addison's cousin, Logan Trent. He is soooo cute, with lots of dark hair.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Falling Leaves

Buster, Addison, and Irish playing in the leaves.


Here we are in our Halloween costumes (well Addi and Mommy).

Our Halloween Outing

We went with my family to Black Island Farm where we went on a hay ride. We then got to pick out our pumpkins. After the hay ride, we went through the corn maze which was a blast.

Addison's 1st Halloween

Addison was our little Snow White.