Sunday, June 21, 2009

We Love You

Addison and I are the luckiest girls. Trevor is so amazing he is the love of my life along with Addison. I am greatful for him in our lifes for all that he does for us. He is so amazing and is always there for us and to make us smile. He is so great to be home with addison while I also work. I love you soooooo much Trevor. Thanks for all that you do for us.

Father's Day Love

Addison is so lucky so have her daddy.

We put together Addison's toy, it was her bouncer
then it was recalled, we called and we got a piece that was to fix it.
So we put it up and on Father's Day she saw it
and loved it she was playing with it, on it as you
can see she just climbs on it.

Swim time fun!!!!

Addison loves Ice.
Addison's first pool.
Addi in her cute little swim suit.


Addison loved riding the Merry-Go-Round.

The tiger is eating us!!!! Oh no!!!