Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunny Days

We hope you all had a great New Year's Eve. We sure did. I can't believe it is already almost the end of January. Time is flying by so fast. Addison will be 1 in less than a month. It is so exciting so see all the new things she is doing. She loves to walk holding onto things and she has two teeth. She loves eating most of the grown-up foods (which is great).
She loves to be with her daddy and he makes her laugh and smile all the time :). She is one lucky little girl.
I have loved the nice weather we have had the last little bit. We have gone on walks which we love to do. I can't wait for more nice sunny days.
My two favorite People.
Addison loves her daddy.

New Year's Eve

Uncle Tyler, Addison and Trevor
Addison stayed up until after midnight
she loved the noise makers :)

Mommy, Addison and Daddy
Happy New Year.